Game Token ($FCT)

Farmers Community Token

This token (contract: 0x5548e42353334614F0Aa92780BcF2c221313e1aC) is used to hand out for players in the highscore. It will hold liquidity, can be swapped to MATIC and can be used to buy new in-game items from the shop on the website.

Liquidity pool:

Token lookup:


  • The $FCT treasury will be filled by investors adding liquidity (MATIC->$FCT).

  • Secondary sales through websites like OpenSea 2.5% of the sale goes to the treasury.

  • In game advertisements will prove additional revenue going to the treasury.

  • Buying/Swapping $FCT, will generate MATIC and will be added to the treasury.

  • Early Access passes (Little Red Dragons) and their profit will be added to the treasury.

Last updated